
i ordered you a pancake

Pancake Utopia? One regular day at work, two normal, healthy women were using IM as a lifeline, complaining about this and that to make the day a little easier to get through. They talked about eating breakfast for dinner, avoiding stupid boys, and never having to work again. Then they realized that a land of pancakes, idealized boys, and easy living would be utopia. Pancake utopia. So they left for this crazy, lovely pancake land, never to return. But every once in awhile, we get a report from that great beyond...

dominic west: heloooooo?

michael vartan: heloooooo?

dominic west: is that an echo?

michael vartan: is that an echo?

sam rockwell: no, that's not an echo. that's michael vartan being a dick.

dominic west: figures.

michael vartan: hey!

dominic west: this place is deserted!

sam rockwell: well, not exactly...

michael vartan: yeah, we're all still here, but the ladies aren't.

sam rockwell: even the ghosts are wandering around.

jonathan rhys-meyers: egads! there are ghosts? where? (hides behind dominic west)

gene kelly: chill out, you sissy.

dominic west: guys, focus! where are bunny and selli?

sam rockwell: last I saw, they were in the meadow full of kittens.

jonathan rhys-meyers: you don't think the kittens attacked, do you? I can't clean that up, it's just too terrifying -- those fine female forms ruined by miniature bites and scrapes.

craig bierko: get a grip, you ponce. whose thing was the meadow?

dominic west: I think it was byrne. has anyone talked to byrne?

gabriel byrne: I'm here, but I haven't been to the meadow in ages. I've been to busy writing this lovely Irish jig --

jonathan rhys-meyers: oi! byrne is singing? now I really am scared.

sam rockwell: why don't you go clean something? let the rest of us figure this out.

jonathan rhys-meyers: like you're doing such a knock-out job it it. besides, I've already cleaned everything. twice.

michael vartan: I think it was christian bale. he always looked shifty to me, and he hated the times he wasn't first pick.

dominic west: that's ridiculous! the man weighs a buck ten at best. he couldn't manhandle a paper clip, much less two fit women full of vigor and sauciness, all tough and rowdy... (pause) I'm sorry, what were we talking about?

sam rockwell: vartan might be onto something. bale has bulked up recently -- remember all that pizza and ice cream?

jonathan rhys-meyers: yeah, I had to tidy up the kitchen after that junk-fest. (mutters) asshole.

gabriel byrne: you think everyone is an asshole just for leaving rings on the coffee table.

jonathan rhys-meyers: that's what coasters are for. and anyway, why do we think one of our number is responsible for the girls going missing?

sam rockwell: you're not suggesting --

jonathan rhys-meyers: (nods) an outsider. from outside.

dominic west: fellows, I think it's time for a search party!

2004-10-20 // 12:38 p.m. // utopia

All images are copyright � by the photographers/publicity agencies that took them. We don�t link to your server, so please don�t link to ours. All textual content contained herein is a work of fiction and is in no way meant to represent actual people. All textual content and website design is copyright � 2004 rachel m. and selena f.

* to send email, replace "AT" with "@" -- we just did that to avoid spam.